Brand Update : Is Titan's Re-Positioning Worth It ?

Brand Update : Is Titan's Re-Positioning Worth It ?

Brand Update : Is Titan's Re-Positioning Worth It ?

The recent crusade of Titan featuring the "farewell to the professor" was real good received past times the audience. Across the media, at that spot are columns talking well-nigh the build rediscovering the joy of gifting. As nosotros know that the build exploded into the marketplace equally the perfect gift that you lot tin forcefulness out range to others. 
Watch the advertizing hither : Titan Prof 
Although the subject of students spontaneously singing inward the degree is a non a novel persuasion ( recall Airtel's HFZ campaign), the execution of the advertizing was perfect.The re-introduction of the signature melody was equally good well appreciated too brought inward only about nostalgic memories well-nigh the brand.

The interesting query is- if reports to move believed that Titan has genuinely rediscovered the Joy of Gifting, too then what happened to 'Be More' positioning ?
In the TVC, the tagline of Titan is shown equally " The Joy of Gifting" . So 1 tin forcefulness out safely assume that the build has re-positioned to its former platform based on gifting. 
I initially persuasion that the crusade which began during Christmas was only for the occasion but tidings written report advise otherwise.
Was it a correct deed to discard the Be More crusade ??
Be More crusade which was heavily promoted using Aamir Khan was a practiced suggestion too matched the premium positioning of Titan. Aamir equally good fitted perfectly inward the entire positioning campaign. After edifice upwards thence much over the positioning, I intend it was unwise for the build to ditch a positioning for which it has invested thence much. 
Regarding the gifting proposition, although it had helped Titan to gain a prominent position inward the Indian sentry marketplace inward the past, has lost its novelty.
Be More was a powerful platform which offered the build lot of reach for creatives too equally good had helped to connect the build to a higher gild attribute . From that higher gild attribute, the build had slide downward to a object that tin forcefulness out move gifted. 
While 'Be More' crusade clearly talked well-nigh the user - that the user of Titan is 1 who wanted to grow, all of a precipitous 1 finds that the build stopped talking well-nigh the user too started talking well-nigh the object. Brands investing thence much inward edifice a positioning too and then ignoring it for no argue has straightaway operate a mutual characteristic which volition wound the build inward the long-term.
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