
Brand Funda : Elasticity Of Brand

Brand Funda : Elasticity Of Brand

Article Review : What Makes Brands Elastic? The Influence of Brand Concept as well as Styles of Thinking on Brand Extension Evaluation Journal of Marketing Vol. 74 (May 2010), 80–92 ( Link)

 In this really deeply question article the authors essay why approximately brands are to a greater extent than elastic than others. Here the authors push clit elasticity every bit the might of the construct to extend to other categories
  • Research propose that construct extension success depend really much on the extension fit.That is whether the extensions fit the perception of consumers nearly the bring upwards brand.
  • The to a greater extent than elastic the construct is when the construct is able to extend itself to distant categories.
  • Early question propose that the brand's elasticity is subject on the bring upwards brand's characteristics.If the construct is positioned on prestige, as well as thence it is to a greater extent than elastic as well as tin live extended to multiple categories.
  • Functionally positioned brands are less elastic 
This article tries to expand the existing question past times proverb that spell brand's characteristics are of import inwards determining its elasticity, the consumer's agency of thinking is also really of import determinant inwards the brand's elasticity. Consumer's thinking styles are classified into Holistic thinking agency as well as Analytical thinking style.

Analytical thinkers focus to a greater extent than on attributes as well as categories to push clit inferences as well as judgements spell holistic thinkers focus on broader connections ( contexts, relationships) betwixt objects. According to the study, brands which accept a positioning based on prestige unremarkably accept a abstract message which tin live transported to multiple categories. Functional brands are at a disadvantage since the functional attributes cannot live moved effectively to distant categories.
The reply past times the analytical as well as holistic thinkers to the extension are also significant. Holistic thinkers are able to connect betwixt bring upwards construct as well as extensions spell analytical thinkers volition detect it hard to relate bring upwards construct as well as extensions if they are functionally different.

The written report finds that the brand's elasticity is jointly determined past times the bring upwards brand's positioning ( prestige vs funtional )  and consumer's agency of thinking ( holistic vs analytical)
For prestige brands, analytical as well as holistic thinkers has like  response to construct extensions spell for functional brands, holistic thinkers had a favorable reply towards extensions. The in all probability reasons tin live that when evaluating extensions of functional brands, analytical thinkers focused on functional attributed as well as their similarities as well as oft constitute dissimilarities.Another of import finding is that prestige brands encouraged holistic thinking inwards both type of consumers. 

The written report also propose that construct tin encourage holistic thinking inwards consumers through construct architecture. Sub-brands tin live used to increase elasticity of functional brands for analytical thinkers.Brands tin also dyad the gap for analytical thinkers past times elaborate communication nearly the extension. Marketers has to stand upwards for the message to the consumer's agency of thinking which tin construct distant extensions have favorable responses from analytical thinkers.

The article has lot of significance to marketing practice. While conventional marketing wisdom propose the brands should non extend also far from bring upwards brand, inwards practice, this may non live possible.The article gives direction for marketers endeavoring such extensions.It is of import that marketers sympathise the consumer characteristics as well as its affect on the responses to extensions. Prestige brands are hard to do but it has its advantages when it comes to construct extensions.


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