Brand Update : Pond's Extends To Manful Mortal Category

Brand Update : Pond's Extends To Manful Mortal Category

Brand Update : Pond's Extends To Manful Mortal Category

Pond's has been traditionally viewed every bit a feminine brand. More in addition to thence because of the products that the build endorses. Starting alongside the mutual frigidity cream, the build has moved to diverse skincare segments. In a recent movement , HUL has decided to launch Pond's skincare products aimed at men. 

The starting fourth dimension production to hold upward launched was the men's facial expression upward wash. The variant or rather the brand-extension was launched alongside the upcoming histrion Varun Dhawan every bit the build ambassador.
Watch the advertizement hither : Pond's men's facewash 

The advertizement is predictable in addition to compares the build to a battery charger for the face. Pond's men's facewash has the tagline " Face ka charger" in addition to touts java bean's extract every bit the USP.

According to air conditioning Nielsen, the manful somebody preparation marketplace set is estimated to hold upward Rs 4000 crore in addition to skincare is the biggest growing category alongside some Rs 443 crores ( Source). Hence the launch from HUL build sense.
Whats puzzling is why HUL decides to launch a predominantly feminine build similar Pond's for this opportunity.
Ideally (IMHO) HUL should select launched a build entirely for men's category instead of extending a Rs thou crore build from a feminine category . Ofcourse Nivea is doing the same affair but doesn't hateful that HUL which has the capacity to launch novel brands should non launch a novel brand. 

My declaration is that Pond's volition non hold upward able to select inwards lot of masculinity into Pond's without pain the nurture brand's persona in addition to volition ever hold upward constrained past times the nurture brand's perception. Since the marketplace set inwards inquiry is in addition to thence huge, HUL has wasted an chance to launch a powerful build entirely for men. It already select brands similar Denim, Aramusk etc which could select been used for this opportunity. Why Ponds ?
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