Brand Update : Seven Upwards , One Experience Downwards !

Brand Update : Seven Upwards , One Experience Downwards !

Brand Update : Seven Upwards , One Experience Downwards !

seven Up's 2013 commercial is undoubtedly the worst get I accept seen inwards the recent times. Especially the advertising featuring Kathakali - which is a really revered art-form of my terra firma Kerala.
This feeling has been shared yesteryear many of my friends who felt that the art-form was cheaply depicted inwards the advertisement. Ofcourse the creatives who did the ads accept every correct to exercise their materials but it should construct to a greater extent than or less marketing sense . I felt bad non because of whatever soft-corner for the artform but the advertising makes no sense at all. 

Watch the advertising hither : seven Up Kathakali
                              seven Up Japanese Ad
The construct has been losing its charm these years as well as is struggling for finding a meaningful mindspace. The final get was featuring the bollywood histrion Sharman Joshi . The construct is correct straight off having the tagline : seven Up : I experience up.

The electrical flow get is patently amusing than anything else. Both the Kathakali as well as Japanese advertising does non bring what the brands aims to communicate. Its distressing that a construct similar seven Up tin stoop to such a creative depression when contest is likewise hot.
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