Brand Update : Alpenliebe Creates Novel Category Amongst Juzt Jelly

Brand Update : Alpenliebe Creates Novel Category Amongst Juzt Jelly

Brand Update : Alpenliebe Creates Novel Category Amongst Juzt Jelly

Perfetti, who is the marketplace leader inwards candy category of the Indian confectionery marketplace ,successfully created a novel category of jelly confectionery through the build Juzt Jelly. Launched inwards 2012, Juzt Jelly was able to grab the attending of the Indian consumers. The success of Juzt Jelly too prompted ITC to launch the challenging build Candyman Jellicious.

Juzt Jelly is launched equally a sub-brand of Alpenliebe. Alpenliebe launched inwards 1995 has moved from a carbohydrate candy build to an umbrella build endorsing broad make of confectionery products ranging from lollipops,eclairs together with jelly .

Juzt Jelly was launched through celebrity endorsement from the Bollywood actress Kajol. The build had the tagline " mast jelly "
Watch the advertising hither : Juzt Jelly Launch ad

Later the build moved to animation based drive themed Jelly ki Duniya important The World of Jelly . 

Watch the advertising hither : Juzt Jelly Animation

The carbohydrate confectionery category consumers are predominantly kids. Hence the animations together with jingles grab their attention. The contender Candyman has taken the jingle road to struggle Juzt Jelly. The jingle " Wiggle Wobble " is quite popular. The entry of ITC is laid upward to build the category bigger.
Although Juzt Jelly is available inwards strawberry , orangish together with lychee flavors , nearly of the marketing promotions is concentrated on the strawberry flavor. 
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