Engage Deo : Pair Deodorant !

Engage Deo : Pair Deodorant !

Engage Deo : Pair Deodorant !

Brand : Engage
Company : ITC

Brand Analysis # 526

When a companionship similar ITC launches a product, in that location is anticipation that the production volition endure remarkable as well as volition build pregnant behave upon on the category inward which it is launched. Because of the size of ITC as well as the marketing ability it has, well-nigh of the time, the brands create build an behave upon on the category . Brands similar Sunfeast, Fiama etc has proved the marketing acumen on ITC.

So naturally when intelligence spread that ITC is foraying into the deo infinite , such an anticipation is natural. ITC entered the Rs 1400 ( approx) crore Indian deo marketplace lay alongside its Engage build recently. The launch ads are correct forthwith on air. The launch induce even as well as then was disappointing because I expected something unique as well as unlike from the residue of the deo brands. But surprisingly, ITC chose to play the same topic which the residue of the deo players are next - the as well as then called " Chemistry " betwixt men as well as women which is apt for an advertising for security rather than a deo.

Engage is beingness positioned equally India's showtime ' brace deodorant'. I actually don't sympathise the concept initially but the brand's microsite offers about explanation. These deos come upwards inward  three pairs ( thus couple)-Rush ( Male & Blush ( Female), Mate ( manful somebody ) as well as Spell ( Female) as well as Urge ( male) as well as Tease ( Female). What I don't sympathise is whether consumer tin alone purchase these inward pairs ( pun intended) ?  And what is that the companionship is intending to bring ? Is it targeting the married brace who would endure buying the pair as well as thus showing dearest to each other. What happens if married adult man similar Urge as well as Wife loves Blush ?? 

The launch induce was a big dampener . The build is positioned on the bases of " chemical scientific discipline betwixt the couples " . The advertising mentions that " Love Has An All New Language " which in all probability is the positioning platform of the brand. However, the romance or attraction or chemical scientific discipline is the well-nigh used topic of all the deo brands as well as Engage sadly failed to differentiate .The focus on " brace deodorant" likewise volition add together problem to the build since it may throttle the brand's target segment . Another differentiator is the design. ITC has brought inward about freshness inward the bottle pattern that volition encourage about case for the brand. 
Watch the advertising hither : ITC Engage Deo
I think, ITC has rushed into the launch without creating a powerful differentiator. The build is forthwith launched equally an ordinary deo brands that promises  attraction of reverse sex. The Indian deo marketplace lay is witnessing commoditisation because in that location is hardly whatever departure betwixt the brands either inward production or inward communication. Fogg build has moved upwards inward the marketplace lay giving a run-for-money for marketplace lay leader Axe because it chose to utter inward a unlike language. Engage sadly failed to offering anything new. 
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