Odomos : Play It Safe

Odomos : Play It Safe

Odomos : Play It Safe

Brand : Odomos
Company : Dabur

Brand Analysis Count : 519

Odomos is a xl twelvemonth erstwhile build which has a generic condition inwards the musquito repellent cream marketplace inwards India. The build which was originally from Balsara came into Dabur's crimp afterward the acquisition  of Balsara Hygiene Products  in 2005. 
The solid insecticide marketplace inwards Republic of Republic of India is worth closed to Rs 1600 crore. The smallest of the segment inwards this marketplace is the musquito repellent cream segment which is of size Rs l crore. The largest segment of the insecticide marketplace is that of musquito curl which is worth Rs 900 crore. Odomos has a virtual monopoly inwards the cream market.

The pocket-size size of the musquito repellent cream marketplace is the occupation that the build faces. The major challenge is to build the segment grow. Having said that, creams direct keep institute lukewarm reply from the consumer. The major argue beingness the questions regarding the efficacy in addition to security of the production which needs to hold upwards straight applied to the skin. 

As a consumer , I besides had these questions regarding Odomos. But should tell from my sense that Odomos is real effective. But mosquitoes are smarter lot in addition to they know to search in addition to seize alongside teeth on places where Odomos cream is non applied. 
Odomos every bit a build has  tried to address this security number past times getting endorsement from medical associations. The build prominently displays the message of  being "Skin Friendly " inwards their packs. Another bold footstep that the build took was to target kids. The motion is risky because parents would mean value twice earlier using Odomos regularly on kids because the perceived opportunity is besides high.

Odoms directly has production forms of Cream, Lotin in addition to Oil. Odomos musquito repellent fossil oil was created to target rural marketplace because fossil oil production shape has to a greater extent than credence inwards that market. More over fossil oil applies improve on the peel in addition to is to a greater extent than effective inwards the job.

The build owners direct keep invested consistently on the brand. The distribution gain is real skilful for this product. Earlier, 1 inhibiting constituent was the cost which has directly beingness resolved. Odomos direct keep come upwards out alongside smaller packs of Rs v in addition to Rs 10 which I would tell volition encourage to a greater extent than buys.
The challenge for the build is to build consumer reckon Odomos every bit the primary defense option against mosquitoes. The production  is has maximum utility exterior the solid in addition to that is why the build is promoting it for kids who wants to play outside. The build is also trying to promote its security appear through a variant Odomos Naturals which contains Aloe Vera. 
As a user of this brand, these questions are yet  there regarding safety. Odomos despite running so many campaigns so far has yet non convinced me that it is security for regular use. The dilemma for the build is that it cannot harp besides much that it is security because consumers in addition to so volition mean value that it is mild in addition to thus may non hold upwards effective .
In times where mosquitoes are directly immune to coils in addition to vaporizers , Odomos has proven to hold upwards a best bet for a skilful nighttime sleep. 
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