Roma Switches : India's Largest Selling  Modular Switches

Roma Switches : India's Largest Selling Modular Switches

Roma Switches : India's Largest Selling Modular Switches

Brand : Roma
Company : Anchor ( Panasonic)

Brand Analysis Count : 516

Indian switch marketplace seat is estimated to live on some INR1800 crore together with is dominated past times Anchor alongside a portion of 50%. Anchor Electricals which is 1 of India's largest electrical  products fellowship was formed inwards 1963 together with virtually created the branded electrical accessory marketplace seat inwards India. The fellowship effectively filled the involve for lineament together with reliable electrical products inwards a marketplace seat dominated past times unorganized players.

In 1976, the fellowship launched India's get-go Piano type switch alongside the sub-brand Roma. The production was highly successful together with Roma became India's largest selling modular switch. ( Source : superbrand). In 2007, Anchor was taken over past times Panasonic together with at nowadays is a subsidiary of the global giant.

Roma is the marketplace seat leader inwards the INR 800 crore modular switch market. The build was before promoted equally a sub-brand of Anchor ( Anchor Roma) together with was heavily supported past times the fellowship interms of its build edifice efforts.
Anchor should live on really much appreciated for edifice a build inwards a tedious production category similar switches. The build was able to modify consumer's perception nearly products similar modular switches. One has to receive got into describe organization human relationship that consumers where non considering switches equally mode statements but equally a functional product.

Roma was promoted past times Anchor past times highlighting its aesthetics together with reliability. The build before had the tagline " Zindagi Khubsoorat Banaye "  Watch the advertizing hither : Anchor Roma 

After the acquisition past times Panasonic ,  Roma was elevated equally an private build endorsed past times "  Anchor past times Panasonic " . Roma equally good launched its premium make branded equally Romoa Viola together with promoted past times a hyperbole type ad.

Roma is in 1 lawsuit again inwards the consumer's mindspace because of the novel make revolving some the brand's claim of existence the " Largest selling modular switch build inwards India". In positioning parlance, the build has taken on Category Positioning .
Watch the ads hither : Roma Butterfly ad
                                Roma Marble Ad
The ads are created for exclusively 1 purpose i.e to highlight the fact that Roma is the best selling switches inwards the country. The build equally good receive got the tagline " India's largest selling modular switches ". This is a right away textbook strategy of owning upward the category together with positioning equally the category leader.
The basic premise of the make is that consumers are non aware of the leadership seat together with the build wants to remind them together with hence equally to assure that they are buying the marketplace seat leading brand. Although the subject of the ad, its setting has a full disconnect alongside the product, the make even together with hence drives the message to the hear of the consumer.
I recollect Orpat together with Ajanta brands positioning on the platform of existence the " Largest ". Being the largest, biggest, etc laissez passer on some form of an assurance to the consumers regarding the quality, reliablity , back upward etc.
Although existence the " Largest " has its ain develop of  advantages, Roma needs to comprehend its flanks because lot of brands similar Legrand, Havell etc were able carve out mindspace past times positioning on aesthetics , reliability etc.Harping on existence " The Largest " may non live on enough.
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