Functions Of Production Management - Components

Functions Of Production Management - Components

Functions Of Production Management - Components

 or functions of production management are every bit follows Functions of Production Management - Components Functions of Production Management

Functions of production management are depicted, listed & explained below.

 or functions of production management are every bit follows Functions of Production Management - Components

The components or functions of production management are every bit follows:

  1. Selection of Product as well as Design,
  2. Selection of Production Process,
  3. Selecting Right Production Capacity,
  4. Production Planning,
  5. Production Control,
  6. Quality as well as Cost Control,
  7. Inventory Control, and
  8. Maintenance as well as Replacement of Machines

The inwards a higher house functions of production management are briefly discussed below.

1. Selection of Product as well as Design

Production management kickoff selects the right production for production. Then it selects the right blueprint for the product. Care must endure taken acre selecting the production as well as blueprint because the survival as well as success of the fellowship depend on it. The production must endure selected exclusively afterwards detailed evaluation of all the other choice products. After selecting the right product, the right blueprint must endure selected. The blueprint must endure according to the customers' requirements. It must give the customers maximum value at the lowest cost. So, production management must usage techniques such every bit value applied scientific discipline as well as value analysis.

2. Selection of Production Process

Production management must select the right production process. They must attain upwardly one's hear virtually the type of technology, machines, fabric treatment system, etc.

3. Selecting Right Production Capacity

Production management must select the right production capacity to jibe the need for the product. This is because some capacity volition attain problems. The production managing director must invention the capacity for both curt as well as long term's production. He must usage break-even analysis for capacity planning.

4. Production Planning

Production management includes production planning. Here, the production managing director decides virtually the routing as well as scheduling.

Routing agency deciding the path of piece of occupation as well as the sequence of operations. The primary objective of routing is to honour out the best as well as most economical sequence of operations to endure followed inwards the manufacturing process. Routing ensures a smoothen menses of work.

Scheduling agency to attain upwardly one's hear when to get as well as when to consummate a special production activity.

5. Production Control

Production management besides includes production control. The managing director has to monitor as well as command the production. He has to honour out whether the actual production is done every bit per plans or not. He has to compare actual production alongside the plans as well as finds out the deviations. He as well as therefore takes necessary steps to right these deviations.

6. Quality as well as Cost Control

Production management besides includes character as well as cost control. Quality as well as Cost Control are given a lot of importance inwards today's competitive world. Customers all over the globe desire good-quality products at cheapest prices. To satisfy this need of consumers, the production managing director must continuously amend the character of his products. Along alongside this, he must besides accept essential steps to trim back the cost of his products.

7. Inventory Control

Production management besides includes inventory control. The production managing director must monitor the score of inventories. There must endure neither over stocking nor nether stocking of inventories.

If at that topographic point is an overstocking, as well as therefore the working upper-case missive of the alphabet volition endure blocked, as well as the materials may endure spoiled, wasted or misused.

If at that topographic point is an understocking, as well as therefore production volition non accept house every bit per schedule, as well as deliveries volition endure affected.

8. Maintenance as well as Replacement of Machines

Production management ensures proper maintenance as well as replacement of machines as well as equipments. The production managing director must receive got an efficient organisation for continuous inspection (routine checks), cleaning, oiling, maintenance as well as replacement of machines, equipments, spare parts, etc. This prevents breakdown of machines as well as avoids production halts.

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