Brand Update : Certain Taps Men's Deo Market

Brand Update : Certain Taps Men's Deo Market

Brand Update : Certain Taps Men's Deo Market

Unilever's global construct Sure which was launched inwards 2010 has launched a novel variant Sure Men's Deo inwards the Indian market. The construct is a pioneer inwards developing the anti-perspirant deo category inwards India.Sure was initially launched every minute a women's deo. The construct initially imported its global commercials inwards Republic of Republic of India in addition to afterward adopted a local communication strategy roping inwards celebrity endorsers similar Bollywood actress Asin. 
Indian deo marketplace is worth Rs 900 crore in addition to growing at a footstep of 25% ( source). 70% of this marketplace is men's deo. Hence it construct feel for Sure to launch a variant tapping this large segment.
The construct variant took the celebrity endorsement road yesteryear roping inwards the activity hero Akshay Kumar every minute the construct ambassador. The construct is running a tv set crusade featuring the star.
Watch the advertising hither : Sure men
Thankfully the construct did non own got the " seducing women" road in addition to chose a rational positioning instead. The variant follows the same positioning of the nurture construct - No Sweat.
The USP of Sure men's deo is that it plant fifty-fifty at 58degree Celsius highlighting its efficacy inwards relatively hot Indian conditions conditions. There is zero much to verbalise virtually the creative usage of the advertising since it follows the same stereotyped typical Akshay Kumar commercial.
As a consumer, I experience that the anti-perspirant brands needs to own got consumers inwards to confidence regarding the health-related worry of such products. H5N1 lot of consumers own got  a worry whether anti-perspirants are skillful for wellness because it stops the formation of travail which is essential for the rule of torso temperatures. Many consumers are shying away from the usage of anti-perspirant because of this worry.
The deo marketplace is getting crowded alongside lot of players vying for a pie of this growing category. Sure is trying to standout of the crowd yesteryear focusing on its " effectiveness". The endorsement from Akshay Kumar gives a definite payoff for this construct for sure.

Related Brand
Sure deo
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