Brand Update : Titan Does An Eco-Drive Amongst Htse

Brand Update : Titan Does An Eco-Drive Amongst Htse

Brand Update : Titan Does An Eco-Drive Amongst Htse

Aiming to consolidate the leadership put inward the Indian lookout adult man manufacture as well as to farther thrust the brand's endeavor to move into the premium lookout adult man segment targeting immature consumers ,Titan launched a novel serial of watches branded every bit HTSE.

HTSE stands for High Tech Self Energised . 

Titan has been trying out diverse strategies to move into the lucrative luxury  and  premium segment inward the Indian lookout adult man market. Titan was e'er associated with the premium segment targeting the heart as well as upper heart degree of the social strata. The Luxury segment of the marketplace put is at in i trial occupied yesteryear the global iconic brands similar Cartier, Rado, Omega etc. Titan tried to move into this marketplace put with the build Xylys recently. HTSE is an endeavor from the build to tap the lucrative segment of upwardly mobile immature Indian consumer.
HTSE attain of watches is characterized by its mightiness to energize itself using the low-cal from the surroundings. That way the lookout adult man does non run on a battery. The build is targeting the techie youth who would similar to flaunt their gizmos ( beginning  : afaqs). 
The build is currently running a effort featuring the build ambassador - Aamir Khan
Watch the advertizing hither : Titan HTSE
The ads are undoubtedly good made as well as gives an ultra-cool ikon for the novel range. Aamir Khan perfectly gels with the brand. Aamir as well as Titan tin post away hold out termed every bit a classic event of a perfect celebrity-brand match.

The technology scientific discipline that drives HTSE is non something new. Citizen was a pioneer inward bringing this technology scientific discipline to the watches through its Eco-Drive attain of watches. Eco-Drive saved the Citizen build from near-death as well as gave the build a tremendous boost inward the Indian market. Eco-Drive was positioned every bit a sophisticated ultra-cool lookout adult man as well as the build caught the attending of the immature Indian consumers who wanted to flaunt their savvy personality. While Titan was perceived every bit a cracking brand, it was never considered techy or ultra-modern .Titan felt that such a serious persona volition alienate the immature consumers who hold off for exciting , modern brands.  

According to Business Standard ( Link) Titan was working on technology scientific discipline to compete with Eco-Drive.And that effort has been fulfilled inward the launch of HTSE. HTSE hence fills inward a big positioning gap inward the brand. The build at in i trial tin post away boast of beingness every bit technically advanced every bit whatever other lookout adult man build inward the world. 

One of the interesting subdivision that was noticed was the branding of this range. Titan chose to build this attain using an acronym HTSE. I am non actually convinced close the effectiveness of this naming strategy. The build could accept chosen a proper involve the attain rather than a tedious acronym. It could accept used HTSE every bit an ingredient build as well as extended this ingredient build to back upward all its other attain of watches. So yesteryear using HTSE every bit a sub-brand, the fellowship has express the technology scientific discipline to a attain of watches. So every lookout adult man that runs on this technology scientific discipline would come upward nether HTSE range. If it had used HTSE every bit ingredient brand, that would accept been a powerful differentiator as well as tin post away hold out leveraged across the diverse sub-brands of Titan. Eco-Drive is used yesteryear Citizen every bit an ingredient build as well as uses this technology scientific discipline to back upward all the attain of watches. 
However every bit a sub-brand, HTSE has the potential to farther Titan's leadership put with the lifestyle segment. This technology scientific discipline volition assistance Titan to reposition itself every bit a exciting build rather than the electrical current ikon of a serious brand.

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