Top Inventions In Addition To Discoveries Yesteryear Scientists - A To Z List

Top Inventions In Addition To Discoveries Yesteryear Scientists - A To Z List

Top Inventions In Addition To Discoveries Yesteryear Scientists - A To Z List

Inventions too Discoveries past times Scientist  Top Inventions too Discoveries past times Scientists - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 to Z List Inventions too Discoveries past times Scientist - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 to Z List

Inventions too Discoveries past times Scientist  Top Inventions too Discoveries past times Scientists - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 to Z List

Adding Machine, 1642. Inventor : Blaise Pascal (France) (1623-62). Earliest commercial machine invented past times William Burroughs (U.S.) inwards St. Louis, Missouri inwards 1885.

Addressograph, 1893. Inventor : J.S. Duncan (U.S.). Manufactured inwards Chicago, Illinois.

Airplane, 1903. Inventors: Orville Wright (1871-1948) too Wilbur Wright (1867-1912), (U.S.) Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

Airship (non-rigid), 1852. Inventor : Henri Giffard (France) (1825-82). Steam-powered propeller flew over Paris (1852).

Airship (rigid), 1900. Inventor : Graf Ferdinand von Zeppelin (Germany) (1838- 1917). Bodensee.

Antiseptic, 1867. Inventor : Dr. Joseph Lister (England).

Arc Lamp, 1879. Inventor : C.F. Brush (U.S.) (1849-1929). Cleveland, Ohio.

Argon, 1894. Discoverers : Sir William Ramsay too Baron Ray Leigh (Great Britain).

Aspirin, 1899. Inventor : Dr. Felix Hoffman, Germany.

Inventions too Discoveries past times Scientist  Top Inventions too Discoveries past times Scientists - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 to Z List

Atom Bomb, 1945. Inventor : Julius Robert Oppenheimer (U.S) (1904-1967).

Autogiro, 1923. Inventor : Juan de la Cierva (Spain) (1896-1963). Horizontal unpowered rotor.

Automobile (steam), c. 1769. Inventor : Nicolas Cugnot (France) (1725-1804). Three-wheeled armed services tractor. Oldest surviving is Italian Bordino (1854) inwards Turin.

Automobile (gasoline), 1855. Inventor : Karl Benz (Germany) (1844-1929). Earliest model past times Father Ferdinand Verbiest (d. 1687) c. 1665 inwards China. Earliest internal combustion automobile built (1862-63) past times Jean Joseph Etienne Lenior (1822-1900) (France). First run past times Benz Motorwagon, Manneheim inwards Nov or Dec 1885. Patented inwards Jan 29,1886. First powered handcartwith internal combustion engine was past times Siegfried Marcus (Austria) (c. 1864).

Bakelite, 1907. Inventor : Lwo H. Backcland (Belgium/U.S.) (1863-1944).

Balloon, 1783. Inventor : Jacques Montgolfier (1755-99) too Joseph Montgolfier (France) (1740-1810). Tethered flight, Paris (October 15); manned costless flight, Paris.

Ballpoint Pen, 1888. Inventor : John J. Loud (U.S.). First practical models past times Ladisloa too George Biro (Hungary) inwards 1938.

Barbed Wire, 1873. Inventor : Joseph F. Glidden (U.S.); manufactured at De Kalb, Illinois.

Bicycle Tyres (pneumatic), 1888. Inventor : John Boyd Dunlop (Scotland) (1840-1921). Principle patented but undeveloped past times Orbert William Thomson (Scotland), June 10 1885. First motor machine pneumatic tyres adapted past times Andre too Edouard Michelin (France), 1885 (see prophylactic tyres).

Bifocal Lens, 1780. Inventor : Benjamin Franklin (1706-90) (U.S.). His earliest experiments began c. 1760.

Bullet, 1849. Inventor : Claude Minie (France).

Bunsen Burner, 1858. Inventor : Robert Wilhelm von Bunsen (Germany) (1811-99). Michael Faraday (1791-1867) (England) had previously designed an adjustable burner.

Burglar Alarm, 1851. Inventor : Edwin T. Holmes (U.S.). Electric installed, Boston Massachusetts (February 21).

Cadmium, 1817. Discovered : Friedrich Stromeyer (Germany).

Cannon (iron), c. 1320. Inventor : Germany. Earliest English linguistic communication example dated 1326.

Carburettor, 1876. Inventor : Gottlieb Daimler (Germany) (1834-1900). Carburettor spray; Charles E. Duryea (U.S.) 1892.

Carpet Sweeper, 1876. Inventor : Melville R. Bissell (U.S.). Grand Rapids, March. (Patent, September 19).

Car Radio, 1929. Inventors : William Lear too Elmer Wavering (USA).

Cash Register, 1879. Inventor : James Ritty (U.S.). Built inwards Dayton, Ohio. Taken over past times National Cash Register Co. inwards 1884.

Cellophane, 1900. Inventor : I.E. Brandenberger (Switzerland). Machine production non earlier 1911.

Celluloid, 1861. Inventor : Alexander Parkes (England) (1813-90). Invented inwards Birmingham, England; developed too merchandise marked past times I.W. Hyatt (U.S.) inwards 1873.

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Cement, 1824. Inventor : Joseph Aspdin (England).

Chain Drive, 1491-93. Inventor : Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). Drawings made inwards Milan (Italy) were discovered inwards Kingdom of Spain inwards 1967.

Chlorine, 1774. Discoverer : Karl Wilhelm Scheele (Sweden).

Chronometer, 1735. Inventor : John Harrison (England) (1693-1776). Received inwards 1772 Government £ 20,000 prize.

Cinema, 1895. Inventors: Auguste Marie Louis Nocolas Lumicre (1862-1954) too Louis Jean Lumiere (France) (1864-1948). Development pioneers were Etienne Jules Marcy (France) (1830-1903) too Thomas A. Edison (U.S.) (1847-1931). First populace showing, Paris (December 28, 1895)

Classification of Data for Libraries. Inventor : Melvil Dewey (U.S.) (1851-1913). Introduced his decimal classification inwards 1876.

Clock (mechanical), 725. Inventors: I-Hsing too Liang Ling-Tsan (China). Earliest escapement 600 years earlier Europe.

Clock (pendulum), 1657. Inventor : Christian Huygens (Netherlands) (1629-92).

Dacron, 1941. Inventors: J.R. Whinfield (1901-66), J.T. Dickson (England). First available 1950, marketed inwards U.S.

Dental Plate, 1817. Inventor : Anthony A. Plantson (U.S.) (1774-1837).

Dental Plate (rubber), 1855. Inventor : Charles Goodyear (U.S) (1845-1921).

Diesel Engine, 1895. Inventor : Rudolf Diesel (Germany) (1858-1913). Lower clitoris per unit of measurement area stone oil engine patent past times Stuart Akroyd, 1890. Diesel's commencement commercial success, Augsberg, 1897.

Disc Brake, 1902. Inventor : Dr. F. Lanchester (England). First used on aircraft 1953 (Dunlop Rubber Co.).

Electric Battery, 1800. Inventor : Volta (Italian)

Electric Blanket; 1946. Inventor : Simmons Co., Petersburg, Virginia, U.S. Thermostatic control.

Electric Cooking Utensil, 1874. Inventor : St. George Lane-Fox (England).

Electric Fan, 1882. Inventor : Wheeler (USA). Electric Flat Iron, 1882. Inventor : H.W. Seeley (U.S.), New York City.

Electric Generation (Static), 1660. Inventor : Otto von Gueriche (Germany).

Electric Lamp, 1879. Inventor : Thomas Alva Edison (U.S.) (1847-1931). First practical demonstration at Menlo Park, New Jersey.

Electric Motor (DC), 1873. Inventor : Zenobe Gramme (Belgium) (1826-1901). Exhibited inwards Vienna.

Electric Motor (AC), 1888. Inventor : Nikola Tesla (U.S.) (1856-1943).

Electromagnet, 1824. Inventor : William Sturgeon (England) (b. 1783); improved past times Joseph Henry (U.S.) 1831.

Electromagnetic Induction, 1831. Inventor : Michael Faraday (Great Britain); discovered previously, but non published, past times Joseph Henry (United States).

Electronic Computer, 1942. Inventor : J.G. Brainerd, J.P. Eckert, J.W. Mauchly (U.S.). ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator too Circulator), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

Elevator, 1852. Inventor : Elisha G. Otis (U.S.) (1811-61). Earliest elevate at Yonkers, N.Y.

Film (musical), 1923. Inventor : Dr. Lee de Forest (U.S.) New York demonstration (March 13).

Film (talking), 1926. Inventor : Warner Bros. (U.S.). First loose Don Juan, Warner Theatre, New York (August 5).

Fluroine, 1886. Discoverer : Ferdinand Frederick Henri Moissan (France).

Food Frozen, 1923. Inventor : Birdseyes (USA).

Fountain Pen, 1884. Inventor : Lewis E. Waterman (U.S.) (1837-1901). Patented past times D. Hyde (U.S.), 1830, undeveloped.

Gas Lighting, 1792. Inventor : William Murdock (Scotland), (1754-1839). Private identify inwards Cornwall, 1792; Factory, Birmingham, 1798; London Street, 1807.

Generator, 1860. Inventor : Piciontti (Italian). Continuous current: improved past times Gramme (Belgium). 1870.

Glass (stained), c. 1080. Inventor : Augsberg (Germany). Earliest English, c. 1170, York Minister.

Glassware, c. 1500 BC. Inventor : Arab Republic of Egypt too Mesopotamia (Today's Iraq). Glass blowing, Syria, c. l BC.

Glider, 1853. Inventor : Sir George Cayley (England) (1773-1857). Near Brompton Hall, Yorkshire, England. Passenger mayhap John Appleby.

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Gramophone, 1878. Inventor : Thomas Edison (USA).

Gyro-Compass, 1911. Inventor : Elmer A. Sperry (U.S.) (1860-1930). Tested on USS Delaware (August 28). Gyroscope devised 1882 past times Foucault (France).

Helicopter, 1930. Inventor : d' Ascanio (Italy). Co-axial machine. Earliest drawing of principle, Le Mans Museum, France, c. 1460. First serviceable machine past times Igor Sikorsky (U.S.). 1939.

Helium, 1868. Discoverer : Sir William Ramsay (Great Britain).

Hovercraft, 1955. Inventor : C.S. Cockerell (England). Patented Dec 12. Earliest air-cushion vehicle patent was inwards 1877 past times J.I. Thornycroft (1843-1921) (England). First 'light' Saunders Roe SRNI at. Cowes, England, (May 30, 1959).

Iron Working, c. one m BC. Inventor : Hallstatt, Austria. Introduced into U.K. c. 550 BC.

Jet Engine, 1937. Inventor : Sir Frank Whittle (England) (b. 1906). First tested run inwards 1937. Principles announced past times Merconnet (France) 1909 too Maxime Guillaume (France) 1921. First flying August 27, 1939 past times Heinkel He.

Laser, 1960. Inventor : Dr. Charles H. Townes (U.S.). First demonstration past times Theodore Maiman (U.S.). (Abbreviation for Light Amplification past times Stimulated Emission of Radiation).

Lathe, c. 1500 BC. Inventor : Greeks for wood-working. Possibly developed from potter's wheel. Earliest screw cutting lathe past times Henry Maudsly (England) (1771-1831).

Launderette, 1934. Inventor : J.F. Cantrell (U.S.), Fort Worth, Texas, Apr 18.

Laws of Gravitation too Motion, 1687. Discovered : Isaac Newton (England).

Lightning Conductor, 1752. Inventor : Benjamin Franklin (U.S.) (1706-90), Philadelphia.

Linoleum, 1860. Inventor : Frederick Walton (England).

Locomotive, 1804. Inventor : Richard Trevithick (England) (1771-1833). Penydarren, Wales, ix Miles (February 21).

Loom (power), 1785. Inventor : Edmund Cartwright (England) (1743-1823).

Loudspeaker, 1924. Inventor : Chester W. Rice too Edward W. Kellogg (U.S.).

Machine Gun, 1861. Inventor : Richard Gaffing (U.S.) (1818-1903).

Maps, c. 2500 BC. Inventor : Sumerians (clay tablets). Earliest footing map past times Eratosthenes c. 220 BC.

Margarine, 1863. Inventor : Hippolyte Mege-Mouries (France). Initially, made of beef suet, warm milk too sheep tum lining.

Match (Safety), 1855. Inventor : J.E. Lundstrom (Sweden). Amorphous phosphorus disc, 1845, Anton von Schrotter.

Microphone, 1876. Inventor : Alexander Graham Bell (U.S.) (1847-1922). Name coined 1878 past times David Hughes.

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Microscope, 1590. Inventor : Zacharis Janssen (Netherlands). Compound convex-concave lens.

Microscope (Electron), 1939. Inventor : Vladimir Kosme Sworykin (Russia, afterwards U.S) (b. 1889), et al. Demonstrated Camden, New Jersey, 1940.

Molecular Hypothesis, 1811. Inventor : Amadeo Avogadro (Italy).

Motorcycle, 1848. Inventor : Edward Butler (England). First exhibited 1885 past times Daimler, earliest manufactory inwards Munich 1893.

Motor Scooter, 1919. Inventor : Greville Bradshaw (England).

Neon Lamp, 1915. Inventor : Georges Claude (France) (1871-1960). First installation inwards U.S. Cosmopolitan Theatre, July 1923.

Night Club, 1843. Inventor : Paris, France. First was Le Bai des Anglais, Paris.

Nineteenth Laws of Planetary Motion, 1609. Inventor : Johannes Kepler (Germany).

Nylon, 1937. Inventor : Dr. Wallace H. Carothers (U.S.) (1896-1937) at Du Pont Labs, Seaford Delaware, U.S. First stockings made nigh 1937. Bristle production, Feb 25, 1938. Yarn production, Dec 1939.

Oxygen, 1775. Discoverer : Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (France).

Ozone, 1839. Discoverer : Christian Schonbein (Germany).

Paper, c. 150. Invented inwards China. Introduced to West via Yarkand, c. 750.

Parachute, 1797. Inventor : Andre Jacques Garnerin (France) (1769-1823). First descent from 2,230 ft over Paris. Earliest outflow from aircraft March 1, 1912 past times Capt A. Berry (U.S.) over St. Louis, Missouri.

Parchment, c. 1300 BC. Inventor : Egypt. Modern bring upward from Pergamam, Asia Minor, c. 250 BC.

Parking Meter, 1935. Inventor : Corlton C. Magee (U.S.). Oklahoma City (July 16).

Phonograph, 1878. Inventor : Thomas Alva Edison (U.S.) (1847-1931). Head cranked cylinder at Menlo Park. J. J. Patent, Feb 19. First described on Apr 30, 1877, past times Charles Cross (France) (1842-88).

Phosphorus, 1669. Discoverer : Hennig Brand (Germany).

Photography (on metal), 1826. Inventor : Joseph Nicéphore Niepce (France) (1765-1833). Sensitised pewter plate, 8 hrs exposure at Chalon-sur-Saone, France.

Photography (on paper), 1835. Inventor : W. H. Fox Talbot (England) (1807-77). Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire, England.

Photography (on film), 1888. Inventor : John Carbutt (U.S.). Kodak past times George Eastman (U.S.) (1854-1932), August 1888.

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Piano, 1709. Inventor : Cristofori (Italy).

Porcelain, c. 700. Inventor : China. Reached Baghdad, c. 800.

Potter's Wheel, c. 6500 BC. Inventor : Asia Minor. Used inwards Mesopotamia (Iraq), c. 3000 BC.

Pneumatic Tyre. See wheel tyres (look alphabetically above).

Printing Press, c. 1455. Inventor : Johannes Gutenberg (Germany) (c. 1400-68). Hand printing known inwards Bharat inwards 868.

Printing (Rotary), 1846. Inventor : Richard Hoe (U.S.) (1812-86). Philadelphia populace ledger rotary printed, 1847.

Propeller (ship), 1827. Inventor : Francis Smith (England) (1808-74).

Proton, 1919. Discoverer : Ernest Rutherford (British-New Zealand).

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Pyramid, c. 2685 BC. Inventor : Egyptians . Earliest was Zoser pace pyramid, Saqqara.

Radar, 1922. Inventors : Dr. Allbert H. Taylor too Leo C. Young (U.S.). Radio reflection trial noted. First harnessed inwards 1935 past times Sir Robert Watson-Watt (England) (b. 1892).

Radioactivity, 1896. Inventor : Antoine Bacqucrel (France).

Radio Telegraphy (over 1 km), 1895. Inventor : Lord Ernest Rutherford (British-New Zealand) (1871-1937). At Cambridge, England.

Radio Telegraphy (Trans-Atlantic), 1901. Inventor : Guglielmo Marconi (Italy) (18741937). From Poldhu, Cornwall to St. Holn's, New Zealand (December 12). Earliest broadcast of spoken language past times Prof. Reginald Fessenden (U.S.) (1868-1932) inwards Brant Rock, Massachusetts, Dec 24, 1906.

Rayon, 1883. Inventor : Sir Joseph Swann (England) (1828-1917). Production at Courtauld's Ltd., Coventry, England, Nov 1905. Name "Rayon" adopted inwards 1924.

Razor (Safety), 1895. Inventor : King C. Gillette (U.S.). First throw-away blades. Earliest fixed security razor past times Kampfe.

Razor (Electric), 1931. Inventor : Col. Jacob Schick (U.S.). First manufactured Stanford, Connecticut; March 18.

Reaper, 1826. Inventor : Henry Ogle (U.S.). First practical machine invented past times Robert McCormick inwards Walnutt Grove, Virginia, inwards 1831.

Record (long-playing), 1948. Inventor : Dr. Petter Goldmark (U.S.). Developed inwards the CBS Research Labs.

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Refrigerator, 1851. Inventor : James Harrison [Australian (1816-1893)j Bendigo. Australia, Brewery.

Revolver, 1835. Inventor : Samuel Colt (U.S.) (1814-62).

Rocket Engine, 1926. Inventor : Robert H. Goddard (USA), considered every bit manful somebody parent of modern rocket propulsion.

Rubber (waterproof), 1819. Inventor : Charles Macintosh (Scotland) (1766-1843). First experiments inwards Glasgow. Rubber introduced into Europe inwards 1736.

Rubber (vulcanised), 1841. Inventor : Charles Goodyear (U.S.) (1800-60).

Rubber (tyres), 1857. Inventor : Thomas Hancock (England) (1786-1865). Introduced corporation prophylactic tyres for vehicles (1847) (see likewise bicycle).

Rubber (latex foam), 1928. Inventor : Dunlop Rubber Co. (England). Team led past times E.A. Murphy at Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, England.

Safety Pin, 1849. Inventor : William Hunt (U.S.). First manufactured inwards New York City.

Sewing Machine: Fundamental principle, double-pointed needle invented past times Charles Fredrick Wiesenthal (U.S.), 1755. First patent inwards England past times Thomas Saint, 1790. First machine set to manufactory purpose invented past times Barthelemy Thimonnier (France) (1793-1854), patented inwards 1830. The optic pointed needle too double-lock sew together invented past times Walter Hunt of New York 1832, but never patented. Elias Howe (1819-67) of Spencer, Mass, developed his machine independently (not aware of Hunt's work), patented in.,1846. Earliest practical domestic machine invented past times Isaac M. Singer (1811-75) of Pittstown, New York, 1851.

Ship (sea-going), c. 2500 BC. Inventor : Egyptian ships traversed Eastern Mediterranean sea.

Ship (steam), 1775. Inventor : J.C. Perier (France) (1742-1818). First trail on the Seine river, close Paris, France.

Ship (turbine), 1894. Inventor : Hon. Sir Charles Parsons (England) (1854-1931). S.S. Turbinia attained 34.5 knots on commencement trial.

Silicones, 1904. Inventor : Prof. F.S. Kipping (England).

Silk Manufacture, c. l BC. Inventor : Reeling machines devised, China. Silk mills inwards Italy, c. 1250, world's earliest factories of whatever kind.

Skyscraper, 1882. Inventor : William Le Baron Jenney (U.S.). Home Insurance Co. Building, Chicago, Illinois, 10-storey (top iv steel beams).

Slide Rule, 1621. Inventor : William Oughtred (England) (1575-1660). Earliest slide betwixt fixed stock past times Robert Bissaker, 1654.

Spectacles (or eyeglasses), c. 1286. Inventor : Venice, Italy (convex). Concave lens myopia non developed till c. 1450.

Spinning Frame, 1769. Inventor : Sir Richard Arkwright (England) (1732-92).

Spinning Jenny, 1764. Inventor : James Hargreaves (England) (d. 1778).

Spinning Mule, 1779. Inventor : Samuel Crompton (England) (c. 1753-1827).

Steam Engine, 1698. Inventor : Thomas Savery (England) (c. 1650-1715).

Steam Engine (piston), 1712. Inventor : Thomas Newcomen (England) (1663-1729).

Steam Engine (condenser), 1765. Inventor : James Watt (Scotland) (1736-1819).

Stirrups (metal), c. 550. Inventor : Ancient Avars. Possibly originated inwards the eastern steppes of Asia.

Steel Production, 1885. Inventor : Henry Bessemer (The Steel Man) (England) (1813-98). At St. Pancreas, London. Cementation of wrought Fe bars past times charcoal contact known to Chalybes people of Asia Minor, c. 1440 BC.

Steel (rustless or stainless), 1913. Inventor : Harry Brearley (England). First cast at Sheffield, England (August 20). Knapp patent, Oct 1912 for chromium carbon steel; failed to recognise corrosion resistance.

Stethoscope, Inventor : Dr. William Stokes (England) (1804-78).

Streetcar (railed), 1550. Inventor : Rail mining tracks, Lieberthal inwards Alsace percentage of France.

Streetcar (electric), 1879. Inventor : Ernst Werner von Siemens (Germany) (1813-92). Earliest permanent self-propelled populace streetcar at Lichterfelde inwards Berlin, Germany, 1881. Demonstration at Berlin merchandise exhibition over 300 yards, May 31,1879.

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Submarine, 1776. Inventor : David Bushnell of Saybrook, Connecticut (U.S.).

Synthesizer, 1964. Inventor : Dr. Robert Arthur Moog (USA).

Tank (military), 1914. Inventor : Sir Ernest Dunlop Swinton (England) (1868-1951). Built at Leicester, England. Tested inwards September 1915.

Telegraph, 1837. Inventors : Sir William Cook (1806-79), Sir Charles Wheatstone (England) (1802-75). Demonstrated on 25th July 1837 betwixt Euston too Camden Town inwards London.

Telegraph Code, 1837. Inventor: Samuel F.B. Morse (U.S.) (1791-1872). The existent credit belonged largely to his assistant, Alfred Vail (U.S.).

Telephone, 1876. Inventor : Alexander Graham Bell (U.S.) (1847-1922). First central at Boston, Massachusetts, 1878.

Telescope (1st refracting), 1608. Inventor : Hans Lippershey (German-Dutch lensmaker). Demonstrated his innovation called 'kijker' (meaning 'looker' inwards Dutch) earlier Dutch parliament on sec Oct 1608.

Time Recorder, 1890. Inventor : Harlow Bundy (USA).

Tractor (1st gasoline/petrol powered engine), 1892. Inventor : John Froelich (U.S.). Completed inwards Iowa (September half dozen 1892).

Tractor (Caterpillar), 1900. Inventor: Benjamin Holt (U.S.).

Transformer (induction coil), 1842. Inventor : William Stanley, Jr. (U.S.).

Transistor, 1948. Inventors : John Bardeen, William Shockley too Walter Brattain (U.S). Researched at Bell Telephone Laboratories. First application for a patent was past times Dr Julius Edgar Lilienfeld inwards Canada inwards Oct 1925.

True Nature of Combustion, 1789. Discoverer : Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (France).

Tungsten, 1783. Inventors : Juan José Elhuyar Lubize too Fausto de Elhuyar (both brothers) jointly discovered Tungsten (Spain).

Typewriter, 1864. Inventor : Peter Mitterhofer (1822-1893) (Austria). First practical patent past times Christopher Soles (U.S.) (1868).

Uranium, 1841. Discoverer : Martin Heinrich Klaproth (1743-1817) (Germany).

Vaccination, 1796. Inventor : Dr. Edward Jenner (England).

Variable Wing, 1956. Inventor : Sir Barnes Neville Wallis (England). First armed services application inwards U.S. F-111 Jet Fighter, 1964.

Vitamin A, 1913. Discoverers : Elmer V. McCollum too M. Davis (USA).

Vitamin B, 1916. Discoverer : Elmer V. McCollum (USA).

Vitamin C, 1920. Discoverers : Albert Szent-Györgyi too Charles Glen King (USA).

Vitamin D, 1920. Discoverer : Sir Edward Mellanby (USA). He likewise studied constituent of Vitamin D inwards preventing Rickets inwards 1919.

Vitamin E, 1922. Discoverer : Sir Herbert McLean Evans (USA).

Vitamin K, 1929. Discoverers : Henrik Dam (Denmark) too Edward Adelbert Doisy (USA).

Washing Machine (electric), 1907 (date non exact, estimated). Inventor : Controversial too exact inventor is unknown. However, Hurley Machine Company of Chicago (U.S) produced commencement model of electrical washer called "Thor" based on pattern past times Alva J. Fisher, (1910).

Watch (self-winding), 1791. Inventor : Abraham-Louis Breguet (France). Rocker Pedometer action.

Welder (electric welding), 1877. Inventor : Elisha Thompson (U.S.) (1853-1937).

Wheel, c. 3800-3600 BC. Inventor : Sumerian civilisation. Spokes every bit opposed to corporation wheels introduced c. 1900 BC.

Windmill, c. 600 AD. Inventor : Farsi corn grinding, oldest known port mill, 1191, Bury St. Edmunds, England.

Writing, c. 3400 BC. Inventor : Sumerian civilisation. Earliest evidence constitute at Warka inwards Iraq.

Xerography, 1938. Inventor : Chester Floyd Carlson (U.S). First photocopier machine marketed inwards U.S. inwards 1950.

X-ray, 1895. Inventor : Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (Germany). University of Wurzburg (November 8).

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Zeppelin, (Rigid Airship) 1899. Inventor : Ferdinand von Zeppelin (Germany).

Zero (in issue system), c. 600. Inventor : Anonymous (India). (Absolute null temperature; cessation of all molecular energy, 1848, William Thompson too Lord Kelvin, England).

Ziggurats, c. 2000 BC. Inventors : Sumerians. Earliest staged towers at Ur inwards Iraq.

Zip Fastener, 1893. Inventor : Whitcomb L. Judson (U.S.). First practical fastener or modern zipper invented inwards U.S. past times Gideon Sundback (Sweden) inwards 1913.

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