Douglas Mcgregors Theory Ten  Theory Y - Employee Motivation

Douglas Mcgregors Theory Ten Theory Y - Employee Motivation

Douglas Mcgregors Theory Ten Theory Y - Employee Motivation

 has given his theory of motivation called  Douglas McGregors Theory X  Theory Y - Employee Motivation 1. Douglas McGregor's - Theory of Motivation

The eminent psychologist Douglas McGregor has given his theory of motivation called Theory X too Theory Y. He origin presented his theory inwards a classic article titled 'The Human Side of Enterprise'. He treated traditional approach to administration equally 'Theory X' too the professional person approach to administration equally 'Theory Y'. His theory refers to 2 sets of employees based on the perception of human nature. Here, theory X too theory Y are 2 sets of assumptions nearly the nature of employees. His theory is based on human behavior.

 has given his theory of motivation called  Douglas McGregors Theory X  Theory Y - Employee Motivation

 has given his theory of motivation called  Douglas McGregors Theory X  Theory Y - Employee Motivation 2. Theory X.

Theory X is based on traditional assumptions nearly people (employees). Here, the conventional approach of administration is used equally a base. It suggests the next features of an average human being/employee (assumptions nearly human nature):

 has given his theory of motivation called  Douglas McGregors Theory X  Theory Y - Employee Motivation 2.1 Assumptions of Theory X.

  1. The average human beingness is inherently lazy yesteryear nature too desires to operate equally lilliputian equally possible. He dislikes the operate too volition similar to avoid it, if he can.
  2. He avoids accepting responsibleness too prefers to survive led or directed yesteryear unopen to other.
  3. He is self-centered too indifferent to organizational needs.
  4. He has lilliputian ambition, dislikes responsibility, prefers to survive led but wants security.
  5. He is non really intelligent too lacks inventiveness inwards solving organizational problems.
  6. He yesteryear nature resists to alter of whatever type.

In the representative of such employees, self-motivation is but non possible. They volition operate solely when at that topographic point is constant supervision on them. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 director has to persuade, punish or vantage such workers inwards guild to accomplish organizational goals.

 has given his theory of motivation called  Douglas McGregors Theory X  Theory Y - Employee Motivation 3. Theory Y.

Theory Y is based on modern or progressive or professional person approach. Here, the assumptions nearly people i.e. employees are quite different.

 has given his theory of motivation called  Douglas McGregors Theory X  Theory Y - Employee Motivation 3.1 Assumptions of Theory Y.

  1. Work is equally natural equally play, provided the operate environs is favorable. Work may human activity equally a source of satisfaction or punishment. An average human being is non actually against doing work.
  2. People tin survive self-directed too creative at operate if they are motivated properly.
  3. Self-control on the business office of people is useful for achieving organizational goal. External command too threats of penalization solitary produce non select out efforts towards organizational objectives.
  4. People get got capacity to practise imagination too creativity.
  5. People are non yesteryear nature passive or resistant to organizational needs. They get got decease too hence equally a effect of sense inwards organisations.
  6. An average human beingness learns nether proper conditions. He is also willing to select responsibility.
  7. The intellectual capacity of an average human beingness is utilised partially nether the weather condition of modern industrial life.

 has given his theory of motivation called  Douglas McGregors Theory X  Theory Y - Employee Motivation 4. Final Glance On Theory X too Theory Y.

Such types of people (employees) are self-motivated too McGregor recommends that they survive motivated yesteryear encouraging participation too hence equally to acquire squad work. Theory Y assumes that people are non yesteryear nature, lazy too unreliable. They tin survive self-directed too creative at work, if properly motivated. It is for the administration to unleash this potential inwards individuals (employees). Theory Y emphasizes creating opportunities, removing obstacles, providing guidance too encouraging growth. By using these tools, the administration tin integrate private goals of employees amongst those of the Organisation.

The assumptions inwards Theory X too Theory Y are fundamentally distinct. Theory X is static, rigid, conservative too pessimistic. Theory Y is optimistic, dynamic, flexible too progressive. It suggests self administration too the integration of private needs amongst organizational needs. On the other hand, to a greater extent than importance is given to external command imposed yesteryear the superior on the subordinate inwards the Theory X.

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